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Race & Equity Conversations at Our CORE

Talking about race and racism can be a sensitive subject. Over the last two years, Intercambio has made an effort to bring opportunities for English

Lessons that Question Stereotypes & Unlock Pride

Intercambio’s curriculum builds life-changing connections between teachers and students by initiating meaningful conversations that allow them to share personal and cultural perspectives. Recently, CC English

Response to Curriculum Survey

Thanks for taking the time to answer our Confidence and Connections Curriculum Survey earlier this year!  We received over 100 responses from teachers and administrators

Part of the Family

After retiring from a 20-year teaching career, Vicki Kinzie was accustomed to high school students who were less than eager to learn, but what she

The Confidence To Try

Wenpei “Wen” Song recalls how isolating it was to leave her homeland of China. Although she tried to speak English, she quickly realized that others

Jorge and Philip

Freedom in Flexibility

After more than 33 years of teaching language development and speech-language pathology, Philip Prinz decided it was time to retire. But he also wondered how

Teaching from an Immigrant Perspective

Originally from Quito, Ecuador, Micaela “Mica” Armijos recently joined the Intercambio team as the Volunteer Manager for the group classes in the Boulder County Program.

Stability in the Midst of Change

I have been at Intercambio since 2010 and never thought I’d be challenged to be the bridge amid leadership changes. We are in such a

Intercambio Resources in Dari and Pashto

A staggering 80,000 Afghan refugees will be resettled in the U.S. between 2021-2022.   This is a huge shift in refugee demographics as prior to 2021, only

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