Boulder County Programs Thrive

As we work to bring English learners and community volunteers together in online language classes and gatherings, Intercambio’s local program is focused on three main elements in our mission: building skills, growing confidence, and life-changing connections.

We translated our in-person teacher training to a brand new online experience, streamlining how we train local teachers and expanding access to volunteer teachers nationwide.

Students are also expanding their technology skills on top of their English skills. Staff has developed online trainings for how to use Zoom and other online systems. These trainings have built skills for life outside the virtual Intercambio classroom, such as helping young children with online schoolwork.

In the last year, 116 teachers taught English online. Additionally, 290 individuals participated in Community Conversations, a one-time volunteer opportunity with small group conversations between English learners and volunteers. In these events, volunteers gain new insights into the immigrant experience while students grow in confidence speaking English with new people.

Student retention was extraordinarily high last year, with 78% of students completing at least one term of classes in the year, and 76% continuing to the next term. Those same students reported a decreased need for interpreters in the community.

Students consistently report that they learn a lot about their local community through their teachers, and the ability to ask questions is one thing that sets “live learning” apart from digital learning courses.

Making the most of our connection to our students, we have worked closely with Boulder County SUMA to develop a list of community resources to support the local immigrant community and helped spread that information to our students.

Growing together The Intercambio Way® has been a silver lining after a year of uncertainty.

This is one of the many awesome stories in our 2021 Gratitude Report! Read the whole report by clicking the button below.

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