Intercambio CEO John Lopez Reflects on the Past Year

While reflecting on what became the most satisfying year of my career, my appreciation for Intercambio and our mission grew significantly. As an immigrant from Belize, it’s an honor to be part of an organization that brings English language learners and community volunteers together in language classes and gatherings to build skills, confidence, and life-changing connections. In our 22nd year, Intercambio’s programs—Boulder County in-person classes, The Intercambio Network, and CC English (online)—continue to evolve and promote greater community connection.

We’re now entering a new phase of pursuing our mission and magnifying our impact not only locally, but regionally and nationwide in future years. To prepare for that future, during the past year we’ve completed major projects which include:

  • Focusing on professional development, continuous improvement, and data analysis
  • Publishing the Strategic Plan 2024-26
  • Implementing a volunteer recruitment and engagement strategy
  • Selecting and piloting the new Intercambio Learning System (ILS)
  • Creating additional classroom spaces at the Boulder County office
  • Piloting potential new projects (Cultural Humility Modules)

Upcoming areas of focus to strengthen our organization include a marketing and public relations campaign, client and customer engagement initiatives, and expanding our network of partner organizations.

The value of our work became crystal clear through three specific conversations this past year:

  • A parent sharing they no longer need an interpreter at their child’s school events
  • A bride’s excitement that she plans to say her wedding vows in English
  • A student saying that he feels ready to apply for a job as a manager

As we finish out the end of year giving season, we’d appreciate you joining our team as a donor or volunteer teacher. And we thank you in advance for your belief in our mission and your assistance as we help connect communities and create lifelong connections.

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