Intercambio Staff Present at the Literacy Texas Annual Conference

Kandyce Pinckney tables for Intercambio at Literacy Texas' annual literacy conference.

Kandyce at the Intercambio table

Literacy Texas is a statewide literacy coalition, connecting and equipping literacy programs through resources, training, networking, and advocacy. The organization hosts an annual literacy conference, which had more than 300 attendees this year. Intercambio TESOL Specialist Karin Bates and Product Sales & National Network Logistics Manager Kandyce Pinckney attended the Literacy Texas Annual Conference, held in San Marcos, Texas, at the end of July.

Karin presented the following workshops at the conference:

• “Fostering Inclusive Learning: Building Belonging in Group and 1-1 Classes”
• “Improving Accessibility and Creating Community with Volunteer ESOL Teachers”
• “Sounds of Success: Techniques for Boosting Motivation and Confidence Through Pronunciation”

The new Executive Director of Literacy Texas, Dr. Jenny McCormack Walker, gave an inspiring Annual Awards speech about her personal journey of literacy, about the state of literacy in Texas, and indicated there is much work to be done in adult literacy in the state.

 Karin Bates presents as the annual literacy conference in Texas.

Karin presents at the Literacy Texas Annual Conference

The conference presentations were enlightening, including “The Neuroscience of Reading” by Horacio Sanchez of Resiliency, Inc. Karin notes, “From his presentation, I learned how much mental focus, repetition, the ability to hear discrete sounds, singing, rhyming, and word play all contribute to successful reading in English.”

Another workshop, “Inclusive Leadership: Unleashing the Power in All of Us” by Vicki Clark of Clark and Chela Consulting, highlighted the Five Pillars of the Right to Literacy, which was framed as a basic human right. The presentation demonstrated how literacy and a commitment to diversity benefits all of society.

Overall, this was a valuable conference and Intercambio staff look forward to implementing what they learned. Karin shares, “This is one of the better, most dynamic conferences we participate in, which is why we continue to go year after year.” Kandyce reflects, “I really enjoyed connecting with people who are passionate about adult literacy and building connections across communities in the process.”

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